Thursday, December 17, 2009


So... all week in Choir, we've been discussing the importance of supporting our sound, using our diaphram, and sustaining our breath.

Yesterday in 5th Period, I sang a song for my students to illustrate that point.  When I was finished, we had this conversation:

Student #1: "That was good because you held that last note really loud and really long!"

Me: "Thank you!  Now, how was I am able to do that?"

Student #2 (let's call him Albert): "Because you had good breast support!"

Me: "Excuse me?!?"

Albert: "Breast support.  You know... your breasts were supported!"

Me: "Um..."

Student #3: "Dude!  She's our teacher!!  Quit talking about her bra!"

Me: "Albert, did you mean BREATH support?"

Albert: "Breath?  ...Breath?   I THOUGHT YOU SAID BREAST!!!"

Needless to say, it took the 50 of us well over ten minutes to calm down.  Seriously the funniest teaching moment I've had to date!  I laughed so hard I cried...  And then my Principal laughed so hard HE cried when I told him this morning, just in case some mom called in upset because her kid heard the words "bra" and "breast" in class!

I can only imagine what that poor little boy has been thinking all week... 'Man!  I'll NEVER be a good singer!  I've got no chance at all!'

And I'm also a little bit worried about how this kid's gonna live that down within the next 6 years of public education...  There's no way his peers are gonna forget something that good!!

On a side note, half of the faculty have come up to me today to either compliment or thank me for my "support"!!  Funny stories travel fast!

Moral of the story:  Next time you teach twelve-year-olds, make sure that you, too, have good support!  You just never know!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

HSM Jr. Announcement!

SO... for our musical, we are doing High School Musical Jr!

I announced it to the kids today, with the help of our art teacher.  We decided the best, most fun way to announce it would be to sing/dance a song from the show.  Which we did.  And they LOVED it!!  It was totally obnoxious, and therefore, totally fabulous!

CLICK HERE to watch the video of it!  (It is totally worth visiting the extra webpage!!)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Story of my Life...

So... in the month that I forgot to post anything, I was super busy with school, family, and church stuff!

I already mentioned that the performances for my classes went well... but I haven't mentioned yet that I have a new calling... 1st Counselor in the Relief Society!  I LOVE the girls I serve with, but it sure is keeping me busy!

Also in that month, I had visits from both mine and Barry's mamas, and from Grammy!  It was so great to have them!  We had a lot of fun!

When Barry's mom came, we went hiking in Zion's National Park.  5 miles.  5000 foot climb.  1 mile of it with chains and sheer cliffs.  UGH!!!!!

Luckily, however, I didn't die... But it was close!  Barry and I were both beat when we made it back down, while his awesome mom was all smiles!

I have to say, though, that the hike was worth it... that place is BEAUTIFUL!  It felt like looking at the Garden of Eden!  This picture does NOT do it justice, but it's something to give you a taste!

 Moral of the story?  If you want me to hike Angel's Landing with you, I will.  But I'm gonna need you to go slower, so I don't feel so lame again!

When Mama and Grammy were here, we visited Greg & Liz and went to see Michael's football game(s), among other awesome things!

What a wonderful time to spend with family and friends!  I am loving life, and I can't WAIT for Christmas Break!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can't Sleep!

Tomorrow night at 6pm is my school's choir concert. And... suprise, suprise... I can't sleep!

Stupid stress.

Oh well! I'm a little worried, but I know on the whole, it's going to be great! I'm mostly just ready for this to be done! Any prayers or wishes of luck in behalf of me and my 90-some students (and their changing/cracking 12-year-old voices) would be greatly appreciated!

In specatular news... I'm super excited to have a special visitor... my MAMA!!! She showed up on my doorstep this afternoon, with some help from Barry! :) What a WONDERFUL suprise! Thanks, Mama! And other family members for keeping the secret! It was a shock!

And a much needed one at that! Today was definitely a get-a-hug-from-your-mom day!

I will let you know how the concert goes soon... and will post pics that I've taken of the awesome adventure that is my life!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Theatre Slideshow

If anybody wants to see the cute slideshow I made for my Theatre kids, CLICK HERE!

It's a compilation of pictures I took in class throughout the Trimester! I suprised the kids with it at the end of our Theatre performance on Tuesday! They LOVED it!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Show = Success

Let's take a moment of silence to celebrate the fact that my students did SO GOOD in our Theatre Performance tonight! I am SOOOO proud of them! What a great way to begin my theatrical career at this school! These crazy kids really do make my job wonderful!

Monday, October 26, 2009

1st Theatre Performance!

We have our first Theatre Performance of my teaching career this Tuesday, October 27th, at 6:00pm.

That's probably why I'm still awake at 1 in the morning! I'm excited and nervous, and a million other things rolled into one!

And I don't have to do anything in it other than welcome the parents and turn the kids loose! :) Thank heavens for that!

I hope my kids and I break a whole bunch of legs!! (I'll let you know if we do!)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gotta Love the Rebels!

I feel slightly guilty admitting the following...

A few minutes ago, I just got the attention of my 5th Period class and asked, "Does anybody have candy?!?"

Blank stares and raised eyebrows were the only response I received, since the kids are not allowed to have candy in class.

So I tried again: "This is NOT a trap! ...Now, does anybody have candy?!?"

Twenty hands shot into the air!

"Good!" I enthusiastically replied, "Because I really need some!"

And in less than 10 seconds I had a small pile of candy on my desk...

...which I am eating (and ENJOYING) right now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This One's for my Mama!

Barry just showed me this video, and I knew that my mama would love it. So here you go... I second Mr. T

You better treat yo mother right!!!!

Courage Is...?

There are few things I have ever done more rewarding than being a teacher. This really is the best job... mostly because of the fantastic students I get to work with!

Today, for example, we were working on our theatre performance, that goes up next Tuesday night. We are performing an original piece, developed by the students in my three theatre classes, that is entitled "Courage Is...?" It will be about an hour long, and is a compliation of scenes written, directed, and acted in by the students, based on their own definitions of the word courage. It deals with their real-life experiences of needing and developing courage, and is a reflection of their desire to be brave in the face of life's challenges.

We took a break for a few minutes to discuss our personal definitions of courage. I had each student write down a one-sentence definition that they then shared with the class. I was absolutely blown away by the depth and wisdom of their responses.

Here are a few that really stuck out to me:

Courage is sticking up for something even if people laugh and tease you.

Courage means being brave and strong.

Courage means doing hard things.

Courage is helping others.

Courage means being yourself.

Courage means doing hard things even when you're scared.

Courage is doing what's right no matter what happens.

Wow!!! Are those kids awesome, or what?!? I am so happy that I get to work with such amazing kids who inspire me everyday to be more than I am! I really am one lucky lady!

Ode to Chick-fil-A

My dad shared this with me and I just loved it too much not to share!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I'm thinking this is an awesome object lesson! Too bad I'm not a Sunday School teacher!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thank Heavens for Airborne!!!

So... we all know the flu is going around this year. But I'm thinking things here in St. George are even worse than normal... this week, we had 1/3 of our students out of school sick everyday. Ugh! On our computerized attendance system, they've even added the code "F" for flu, to let us know if students are gone.

My roomate, Sarina, was sick all week too... bless her heart!

And I have felt under the weather for a few days... I think the only reason I'm not in full-blown flu mode is because of my new best friend, Airborne! (Pink Grapefruit flavor, of course!) But since I'm barely scraping by NOT being flu-ish, I am hereby postponing my trip up to Provo and SLC for a day or two (to give myself a chance to heal and not infect everyone I love)! So here's hoping that I'll be able to recover quickly, feel better, and visit my cousins as planned!!!

If not, I'll plan on a trip up in the next few weekends. Promise!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Don't You Wish Your Family Was HOT Like Mine?!?

When I was home in Georgia a few weeks ago, we took some family pictures, and (of course!) they turned out amazing!!! Hooray for going home! Hooray for having fun! And hooray for being part of such a good-looking family!

... And so, again, I must ask... Don't you?? Don't you??

Too Funny!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm Alive!

First off... I should probably apologize for not blogging for 3 months... I HATE it when people do that and my ability to stalk them is limited... and I apologize for being such a hypocrite! Life has just been crazy!

I moved to St. George at the beginning of August to start teaching school at Fossil Ridge Intermediate School. I teach 6th and 7th graders Theatre and Choir... and I LOVE IT! I seriously feel like I have the best job in the whole world! (On a side note, if you're interested in seeing some of the stuff we are doing in class, I have a separate blog set up for school, so the parents can see... CLICK HERE to see it!)
I spoke at BYU's Fine Arts and Communications Department August Commencement. It went well and was a big honor!
I have a fantastic roomate, Sarina, who graduated with me from BYU's Theatre Ed program. I am loving living with her and we are having a blast!We went to the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago... needless to say... it was INCREDIBLE!

I went home to Peachtree City this past weekend for a visit... MAN, do I have a wonderful family! I'll post separately for that ASAP! For now, I just wanted to dispell the rumors that I had fallen off the face of the earth! Close, but no cigar!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Bunch of Birthday Bashes!

There are few things in life as wonderful as your birthday... except maybe having the celebrations for said birthday drawn out over the course of an entire week!!! That's what happened to me, my friends! And it was spectacular!

Sunday night- 3D chalk set from my friend, Brent!Monday night- dinner with friends!
Tuesday morning- birthday suprise at work!!
Balloons, streamers, and a tiara!!! Thanks girlies!
AND... the yummiest perfume EVER!
Tuesday night- dinner with Erin & Justin!
(And presents from Mom & Dad! THANKS!!) (This very serious picture is for you, mama!) Friday night- birthday dinner with my cute cousins! And last but not least, tonight is my final celebration... a SUPRISE evening with Justin & Erin... they are really good secret keepers, which means that I have NO CLUE what's in store! But I am EXCITED!!!

I Don't Wanna Work!

... I just wanna bang on me drum all day!?!?!?!

That, or buy a giant foam mini-golf set and create a human put-put course!!! This was probably WAY too much fun that we should have been having!
But I guess it's hard to get in trouble for not working when your boss is the one hitting a ball at you, even if you are being a human windmill!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


What do you call someone who has known you for (almost) twenty-two years? Who has celebrated your biggest triumphs, and help your hand for your biggest failures?

Who stays up giggling with you at 2 in the morning, telling eachother secrets about boys that you've never told anyone before, worrying the whole time that you'll wake everybody else up? Who lets you use her toothbrush when you forgot yours on vacation? Who has to have a fan on or she can't fall asleep?

Who does Dance Workout With Barbie with you even when you're both in college?

Who pulls a sleeping bag over both your heads and tells you to run around the room and dive across your beds? Who is more concerned about mom finding out about the sleeping bags than she is about the blood coming from your forehead after you ran into the nightstand?

Who cries with you in the middle of a busy airport so you don't have to cry alone?

Who saves up with you for a year to go in together on the Polly Pocket town you've both been wanting? Who typed up a bunch of poems you wrote in elementary school as a birthday present for you one year?

Who is more fun than any one person deserves to be?

Who gives you private dancing lessons when you're nervous before your first Dance? Who helps you plan, pick out, and write down the outfits you should wear to a week of EFY, including such details as hairstyles and toenail polish?

Who always lets you be the girl even though it means she has to be the boy?

Who only lets you have a half piece of gum because she wants it to last? Who flies to Savannah to suprise you for your last year of All State Chorus?

Who can push you onto the ground with one finger?

Who helps you make iron-on t-shirts for a girls' trip to Disney World? Who belts harmonies with you in the car? Who knows how to make you laugh better than anybody else? Who knows how to make you mad better than anybody too?

Who stand up for you when some girls are mean to you?

Who doesn't return your shirt after she's borrowed it going on three years? Who drives to your house to pick you up because you needed to get out? Who plays the piano for you just so you can sing your favorite songs? Who has you both claim dibs on favorite baby names when you're both still in high school?

Who is moving 2,000 miles away from you in less than three weeks?

And who you're going to miss more than you can possibly say?

Some people call her my big sister.
I call her my best friend.

Firemen's Breakfast

There is nothing quite like waking up early on a Saturday morning to the sound of sirens. Many, many, many sirens... There is also nothing quite like knowing that those sirens can mean only one thing... That it's time for the Annual PGFD Firemen's Breakfast!!

Having never lived in Pleasant Grove before, I've never had the chance to experience this hometown tradition before! But the Haynies go every year, and I got to go with them. Basically, it was amazing! ...Hash browns, eggs, ham, and pancakes served up by well-built firefighters is not a bad way to spend one's morning, let me tell you! I definitely didn't complain!

And since we all know how much I love impromptu photo shoots, let's celebrate the fact that we got plenty of pictures to document the occasion!!

Cailey, me, Courtney, Dillon, and Gabe... enjoying our breakfast!Courtney and her precious little men! We freakin' LOVE firetrucks!!!!!!Aww... how precious!!
Everybody needs a picture clinging to the side of a parked firetruck!
Drive on, Gabe! Drive on! Peek-a-boo!

Thank you, Haynies, for sharing this delightful tradition with me!! I loved it and I LOVE you!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

FUNdamentally FUNderful!!

After our GA girls reunion, I went to Boondocks with some friends. It was a BLAST!!! (Much better than Dixieland Fun Park at home)... I went with Brent Gray, his brother, Gary, and Gary's fiance, Sara! What a hoot!!! We played a ridiculous round of mini-golf, rode go-karts, and did a bunch of arcade games! It's been years since I did any of that stuff, and MAN, have I been missing out!!

Brent, me, Gary, and Sara (waiting for go-karts) Sara and Gary, sword-fighting with their putters!
Brent & Katie = King (& Queen) of the Rock!!
The four of us acting our ages... almost!
Hooray for having fun! Note to self: do it more often!!!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-hun!!!

So on Memorial Day, some of my best friends growing up and I had our 2nd Annual Reunion at Zupas in Provo! Heather, Stephanie, Sarah, Rikki, and I had such a fun time catching up on life! These are so many exciting things going on, so many big changes being made for all of us... it's a really neat time

It's also bitter sweet. Stephanie is in Idaho, and in August Rikki will be movig to New Jersey and I'll be going to St. George. We won't be able to do these little impromptu reunions even. It rally makes me think about how blessed I am to have had such wonderful friends! I love, respect, and admire these ladies more than i can say, and I truly cherish the memories we've shared!!!

You can't really expect us to just take a serious picture, can you?!?!?

Drama Queen

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to reunite with my students and mentor teacher from Lehi High School! They held their end-of-year Drama Banquet at the Skyroom on BYU Campus. It is quite the formal affair, with most kids in prom dresses and guys in tuxes or suits! Very fun! Very classy! Any excuse to get all dolled up, right?!? Here are a few pictures from the night:

A handful of my students, mostly from my Drama 3 class!Kali Ray and I (my stage manager for the One Act I directed)All my students... I love them SO much!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bronze Statues = Brilliant Idea

Once upon a time (last night), my cousin, Kendra Haynie, and I drove to a friend's wedding reception, held at an art museum. When we arrived there, we discovered a number of GIANT bronze statues scattered in the grass. Being the mature, responsible, respectful young ladies that we are, we decided NOT to disturb them... and by that, I mean we totally used them as the opportunity for a photo shoot! We did exercise restraint by only choosing one each... (there were a couple dozen, so this really IS an accomplishment worth noting!)

Don't lie. Don't judge. And don't hate. You KNOW you would have done the exact same thing!!! How could we resist?!?!?

We tried to act dignified, despite the fact that we were on top of giant metal animals several times larger than those found in nature! And then we stopped trying and just got to know our new friends better!
By the end of the five minute shoot, we were clearly exhausted and ready to rest our heads against our giant bronze friends!