Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gotta Love the Rebels!

I feel slightly guilty admitting the following...

A few minutes ago, I just got the attention of my 5th Period class and asked, "Does anybody have candy?!?"

Blank stares and raised eyebrows were the only response I received, since the kids are not allowed to have candy in class.

So I tried again: "This is NOT a trap! ...Now, does anybody have candy?!?"

Twenty hands shot into the air!

"Good!" I enthusiastically replied, "Because I really need some!"

And in less than 10 seconds I had a small pile of candy on my desk...

...which I am eating (and ENJOYING) right now!

1 comment:

Rik said...

Haha! This is hilarious! I love that you're blogging again. I love you!

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