So... all week in Choir, we've been discussing the importance of supporting our sound, using our diaphram, and sustaining our breath.
Yesterday in 5th Period, I sang a song for my students to illustrate that point. When I was finished, we had this conversation:
Student #1: "That was good because you held that last note really loud and really long!"
Me: "Thank you! Now, how was I am able to do that?"
Student #2 (let's call him Albert): "Because you had good breast support!"
Me: "Excuse me?!?"
Albert: "Breast support. You know... your breasts were supported!"
Me: "Um..."
Student #3: "Dude! She's our teacher!! Quit talking about her bra!"
Me: "Albert, did you mean BREATH support?"
Albert: "Breath? ...Breath? I THOUGHT YOU SAID BREAST!!!"
Needless to say, it took the 50 of us well over ten minutes to calm down. Seriously the funniest teaching moment I've had to date! I laughed so hard I cried... And then my Principal laughed so hard HE cried when I told him this morning, just in case some mom called in upset because her kid heard the words "bra" and "breast" in class!
I can only imagine what that poor little boy has been thinking all week... 'Man! I'll NEVER be a good singer! I've got no chance at all!'
And I'm also a little bit worried about how this kid's gonna live that down within the next 6 years of public education... There's no way his peers are gonna forget something that good!!
On a side note, half of the faculty have come up to me today to either compliment or thank me for my "support"!! Funny stories travel fast!
Moral of the story: Next time you teach twelve-year-olds, make sure that you, too, have good support! You just never know!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
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That's awesome! Seriously, though, you just never can overstate the value of a good, supportive bra. :)
hahahahaha oh how I love this post!
hahahah pretty sure this is like my favorite story ever! hahahahah
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